
Medium bag

frá Depeche
Upprunalegt verð 31.980 kr.
Núv. verð 11.513 kr.
SKU DEP14622_501
Color: Dark vanilia

Depeche leðurtaska

Löng og breytileg ól fylgir töskunni. 

Efnislýsing: 100% leður. 

Stærð tösku: 

Hæð: 40 cm - Breidd: 58 cm - Dýpt: 15 cm. 

Nánari lýsing: ,,Medium shoulder bag in silky soft and really delicious leather quality. The bag has an elegant and timeless design, due to the beautiful gold-colored details. The shoulder bag is decorated with a nice wrinkled shoulder strap, and has a nice and unique y-shape."