MAT peysa Efnislýsing: 80% pólýester, 16% viskós og 4% teygja.
Plus size tíska, stærðir ca 42-52
For the last three decades, with emphasis on body positivity and not restricted by sizes and body types, mat. fashion has been creating modern outfits which accentuate women’s curves and help their unique personality traits shine. The company was founded in 1987 by Marianthi and Giorgos Monedas, with a vision to create fashion that steals the spotlight in sizes 48 to 58. It quickly gained its place as the top Greek clothing company of its kind, playing a leading role in the Greek plus size fashion industry.
With its core message focusing on “The Real You”, mat. fashion creates real size collections of clothes and accessories that take the total look to a whole new level, inviting every woman to express her true self. Thus, the company has managed to hold together a loyal community of proud mat. fashionistas, that stand out for their shiny personality, their enthusiasm and their passion for life and fashion.
MAT peysa Efnislýsing: 80% pólýester, 16% viskós og 4% teygja.
MAT fashion buxur Efnislýsing: 100% vískós